Monday, May 17, 2010

'Of Its Time'

Last year (once again slow on posts) I was involved in an exhibition with M.O.A.D. It was really exciting to be back exhibiting again and surrounded by some very talented people. I took the opportunity to display my ducks and sheep how I have wanted to for a long time now, on a large scale. I was really happy with how everything turned out and I learnt alot along the way. I thought 'Oh Flock' looked amazing and I now have my own flock on a wall at home.

The lifesize sheep were very tactile, with the gallery cat rubbing past them all the time! Each step in making them was exciting from collecting the old primary school doors and Swandris, to learning how to use a bandsaw and then finishing them off with a giant sanding machine and waxing them. I really did get quite attached, I liken it to having my pet lambs again and getting them ready for Calf Club Day.